Over the past two years, Covid 19 has been affecting people all over the world. Many individuals appear to recover from their symptoms while others experience persistent symptoms. Persistence of various symptoms that developed during Covid 19 infection and continue for greater than 12 weeks, or more is considered long Covid or Post Covid Syndrome.
As research regarding Long Covid is still emerging, assessing, and treating Long Covid patients continues to be challenging, worldwide. A cautious approach is required to prevent the affected individuals from experiencing worsening symptoms or function due to physical activity.
Knowing the symptoms of Long Covid:
● shortness of breath at rest or with minimal activity
● chest pain or tightness
● difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
● heart palpitations
● dizziness
● muscle pain
● joint pain
● extreme exhaustion (fatigue)
● Post-Exertion Symptom Exacerbation (PESE)
● problems with memory and concentration (brain fog)
● tinnitus and earaches
● diarrhea
● stomach aches
● loss of appetite a high temperature, cough, headaches, sore throat, changes to sense of smell or taste rashes
Treatment of people with Long Covid requires a team approach. Physiotherapy is one among one of those professionals that are helping to improve respiratory function through breathing techniques, aerobic tolerance through pacing activities and determining an individual's anaerobic thresholds, education on healthy sleep habits and precautions with physical and mental exertion.
If you or someone you know is suffering from Long Covid, call your local Panther Sports Medicine for an assessment and treatment recommendations